The sector concerns the scientific and didactic-training activity regarding the entire thematic and scalar field of the architectural project for the buildings, the city and the landscape. It is divided into theoretical and methodological aspects, by studying the problems and techniques of modern design and the transformations of the environment into practical and experimental aspects. This is aimed at the supervision of the various aspects in terms of type, composition, procedure and construction of the different architectural scales as well as at the connections with structural and plant design problems.

Building in relation to its formal structure; elements that make it up and its internal space, including the problems of impact reduction.

Layout of modern cities and the phenomena that have shaped their evolution and transformation, applying and experimenting with morphologies and processes for the modification of its parts with particular reference to the smart city concept.

Architecture of landscape and open spaces in all human situations and at all scales.

Sustainability of transformations, both in the implementation and management phases, in geographical and topographical conditions, in environmental diversities and in the pre-existing historical, architectural, cultural, ecological and formal conditions;

Interaction between infrastructures and landscape, systems of urban green areas; requalification of disused or degraded areas; design of parks, gardens, squares and open spaces.
