
Person Email Telephone Role Office
Cecconi Manuela
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+39 075 585 3792
Professore associato
Cianetti Filippo
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+39 075 585 3728
Professore ordinario
Cinti Giovanni
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Colazza Cinzia
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+39 075 5853753
+39 075 5853841
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Costante Gabriele
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Professore associato
Cotana Franco
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Professore ordinario
Crocetti Francesco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
De Angelis Alessio
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Professore associato
Di Giacomo Emilio
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+39 075 585 3681
Professore associato
Di Maria Francesco
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+39 075 585 3738
Professore associato
Di Schino Andrea
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Professore associato
Didimo Walter
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+39 075 585 3680
Professore ordinario
Dionigi Marco
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+39 075 585 3670
Faba Antonio
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Professore associatoSede di Terni
Fabiani Claudia
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Fantozzi Francesco
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+39 075 585 3775
+39 075 585 2943
+39 075 585 3652
Professore associato
Femminella Mauro
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Professore associato
Ferrante Francesco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Franceschini Giordano
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+39 075 585 3700
Professore ordinario
Fravolini Mario Luca
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+39 075 5853683
+39 075 5853683
Professore associato