University of Perugia
Department of Engineering

Regulations for the Admission Test for First-Level Degree Programs

1. Foreword

Article 6 of Law 270/2004:

To be admitted to a degree program, candidates must hold a high school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad that is recognized as equivalent. The university’s academic regulations, while maintaining orientation activities coordinated and carried out in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 7, letter g), also require students to possess or acquire an adequate initial preparation. For this purpose, the academic regulations define the required knowledge for admission and establish the methods for verification, including preparatory educational activities, which may be conducted in collaboration with secondary schools. If the verification is not successful, specific Additional Learning Requirements (OFA - "Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi") will be assigned, to be fulfilled during the first year of study. These additional learning requirements also apply to students enrolled in restricted-access degree programs if they have been admitted with a score below a predetermined minimum threshold.

Article 41 of the University’s Academic Regulations:

To be admitted to a degree program, students must hold a high school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad that is recognized as equivalent, as well as possess an adequate initial preparation. The academic regulations define the required knowledge, educational prerequisites, and cultural requirements for admission, as well as the verification methods. If a student does not pass the verification, the Degree Program Council will assign specific Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) to be completed during the first year. These may also include preparatory educational activities organized before enrollment, in collaboration with secondary schools or other public or private entities, based on specific agreements approved by the Board of Administration.


2. Purpose, Test Structure, Thresholds, and Determinations

2.1. Purpose

The Department of Engineering at the University of Perugia requires students applying for admission to the Computer and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Engineering degree programs to possess or acquire an adequate initial preparation in mathematics, verbal comprehension, and logic.

The use of an admission test with appropriate passing criteria also aims to reduce early dropouts, limit the number of students exceeding the expected study period, and raise awareness of the importance of English language proficiency. Additionally, the admission test serves as an important self-assessment tool for students, helping them evaluate their personal preparation and suitability for the chosen field of study. For this reason, students should approach the test seriously and with particular attention.

2.2 Test Structure

The test is administered by the Interuniversity Consortium for Integrated Access Systems (CISIA) and is valid nationwide at all participating universities. The TOLC-I test administered in English is referred to as "Engligh TOLC-I". It is an individual test, meaning that each student receives a different set of questions, but with the same level of difficulty.

The test consists of 50 questions, divided into five sections, each with a predetermined number of questions and a set time limit:

 No. Section  Number of Questions Time Limit
 1  Mathematics  20  50 minutes
 2  Logic  10  20 minutes
 3  Science  10  20 minutes
 4  Verbal Comprehension  10  20 minutes
   TOTAL  50  110 minutes

The total time available for the English Tolc-I test is 110 minutes. The test is administered in a variable-time format, meaning that students may move on to the next section without waiting for the allotted time to expire. During the test, no breaks are allowed for any reason. Students may not leave the test session unless they choose to end the test early. The admission test must be completed before enrollment.


2.3 Passing Thresholds

The admission test is considered passed if the student achieves a score equal to or greater than a threshold set each academic year by the Department Council, in consultation with the Degree Program Councils. This threshold is automatically renewed unless the Degree Programs decide otherwise:

Current Thresholds:

Starting from the 2023-24 academic year, the passing threshold for the TOLC-I or English TOLC-I test is

  • 14/50, as the total score across all sections (excluding English), 
  • with at least 7/20 in the Mathematics section.

2.4 Determinations

  • Taking a TOLC-I test before enrollment is mandatory. Failing the TOLC-I test will not prevent enrollment in any program. However, students will not be allowed to take or register second-year exams unless they fulfill their Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) during the first year of study.
  • Passing the test is mandatory for VISA applicants and the result must be uploaded to Universitaly pre-enrolment. Alternatively, the student can upload the resuls of equivalent tests taken abroad (like SAT, ACT, ...), for evaluation.
  • Students who have taken the test but did not meet the required thresholds (test failed) will be assigned Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) upon enrollment. These must be fulfilled through one of the following methods:
    1. Retaking the TOLC-I test and achieving a passing score (the test can be retaken multiple times during the first year, with at least one month between attempts),
    2. Passing the OFA recovery test, which is focused on Mathematics, organized by the Department and administered by CISIA,
    3. Passing a first-year exam in the scientific-disciplinary sector SSD MAT/05 (Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis).
  • Not taking a TOLC-I test is not equivalent to failing the test. The enrollment without taking the test is conditional—a special case granted only for documented exceptional reasons.  The first-year enrolled student who has not taken the test will not be able to register for exams in the scientific-disciplinary sector SSD MAT/05 (Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis) during the first year of the course (cf. Art. 7).

Additional Support

- Practice exercises for preparing for the TOLC-I and OFA recovery tests are available, provided by CISIA.

- The Department also organizes Introductory Courses in September (pre-courses) for all incoming students.

3.  Test Dates Coordinated by the Department of Engineering

The TOLC-I test is administered by CISIA between February and November each year.

For the current calendar year, the available TOLC-I test dates can be found at the following link.


4. Participation in the TOLC-I, Registration, and Test Rules

The TOLC-I test is open to students enrolled in the fourth or fifth year of secondary school as well as those who already hold a high school diploma. Foreign students may participate under the same conditions as those applicable to their enrollment in undergraduate degree programs at the University of Perugia, specifically within the Department of Engineering. The TOLC-I test is available in Italian and English, based on the student's preference.


To take the test, students must register via the CISIA portal. Follow the instructions provided on the How to Register for the TOLC page.

Participation in the test implies full knowledge and acceptance of the TOLC usage regulations for the relevant academic year, as issued by CISIA and available on its official website. Students are also encouraged to review the FAQ section carefully.

To improve user support services (for students and families), CISIA has launched an experimental chatbot at the following link.

Test Fee and Payment
Participation in the test requires a fee, the amount and payment methods of which are defined in the TOLC usage regulations. The payment must be received by CISIA at least one week before the test date, regardless of the payment method (MAV or credit card).

Test Scoring System
Each individual TOLC-I test score is calculated based on the number of correct, incorrect, and unanswered questions:

+1 point for each correct answer.
0 points for unanswered questions.
-0.25 points (penalty) for each incorrect answer.
No penalty is applied to the English section of the test.

Test Locations and Frequency
Students may take the TOLC-I at any participating university within the CISIA Consortium.

The entrance test can be retaken multiple times to improve the score, especially if the threshold is not met. However, the test may not be taken more than once per calendar month, regardless of the test location.

Preparation Resources
Students preparing for the test are encouraged to practice using the CISIA online training tests.
Additional resources: CISIA YouTube channel, which provides various tutorials.


5. Introductory and Preparatory Courses

In September, before the start of classes, the Department of Engineering organizes specific preparatory educational activities designed to help students develop the necessary skills to successfully tackle the TOLC-I test.

These introductory courses aim to:

  • Bridge the gap between secondary school and university.
  • Fill any knowledge gaps students may have.
  • Familiarize students with the learning pace and study methods required in university courses.

Participation in these courses is strongly recommended for all students, especially those who wish to strengthen their foundational knowledge in mathematics and logic.

Additional Online Resources

Students can also take advantage of the CISIA MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), currently offering:

The Basic Mathematics MOOC, available on the Federica Weblearning platform.
These resources provide an excellent opportunity for students to prepare effectively before starting their degree program.


6. Exemption from the Admission Test and Equivalencies

Students may request to be exempt from taking the TOLC-I test if they meet the following criteria:

  • Students admitted to degree programs in the Department of Engineering at the University of Perugia transferred from other courses, either within the same university or from other universities, who have been granted at least 4 credits in the disciplinary sectors MAT/03 (Geometry) or MAT/05 (Mathematical Analysis).

 Equivalency requests can be made by students who:

  • Have obtained the TOLC-I certificate from another institution within the CISIA consortium.
  • Have taken the admission test for engineering degree programs at universities that are not part of the CISIA Consortium. In these cases, students must submit the certificate showing their test scores during the enrollment process and send it via email to the University of Perugia's entrance test office. For tests taken at universities outside the CISIA consortium, students should contact the student office of the university where they took the test to obtain the required certificate (cf. Art. 2.4).


7. Obligation to Take the TOLC-I Test: The Case of Enrollment Without the Admission Test (Phasing-Out)

A student who enrolls without having taken an admission test (CISIA or equivalent) and does not qualify for an exemption or equivalency (as per Article 6) must still take the TOLC-I test as soon as possible in order to verify their eligibility for admission. This situation is considered exceptional and granted only for justified reasons. If the student fails to take the test, they cannot make up for this requirement through the OFA recovery methods, as these apply only to students who did not meet the required thresholds. The student who does not take the TOLC-I test will not be able to sign up for the Mathematics I or Mathematical Analysis I exam, which constitute Additional Educational Obligations (OFA) for those who do not meet the required thresholds.


8. Students with Disabilities or Specific Learning Disabilities

According to Article 5, paragraph 4 of Law 170/2010, students who present a diagnostic certificate at the time of enrollment are allowed to take admission tests with the following accommodations:

a. The granting of additional time, beyond the standard duration for the general student body, deemed appropriate by the University in relation to the test type, but no more than 30% additional time.

b. The granting of up to 30% additional time compared to the time allocated for admission tests to national degree programs or those determined by universities according to Article 4 of Law 2 August 1999, No. 264.

c. In cases of particularly severe certified learning disabilities (DSA), universities have the autonomy to evaluate further measures to ensure equal opportunities during the tests.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities must submit valid certification at the time of enrollment for the TOLC-I test. The certification should be issued no more than 3 years prior, by the National Health Service or specialists and accredited institutions. This certificate should detail the required compensatory measures.

Upon request from the Department of Engineering, the CISIA will grant a 30% additional time for the test. Additionally, based on the technical capabilities available and the documentation submitted, students may be granted additional aids, such as:

Non-scientific calculators (must be provided by the student).
Tutor assistance during the test, selected by the Commission, for reading the questions and/or selecting the correct answers in the case of multiple-choice questions.


9. Social Media Channels

For additional information and updates, students are encouraged to visit the Facebook page dedicated to the admission tests of the Department of Engineering.


10. Final Provisions

For anything not explicitly addressed in this regulation, reference should be made to:

General regulations, ministerial regulations, and other relevant laws.
Study manifestos and academic regulations.
CISIA regulations.




Registration Deadlines for Students

The registration deadline is the same for both payment methods (MAV and Credit Card).

Registrations close 5 days before the test date, following this schedule:

Test Day Registration Deadline (2 pm CET)
Monday Tuesday of the previous week
Tuesday Wednesday of the previous week
Wednesday Thursday of the previous week
Thursday Friday of the previous week
Friday Friday of the previous week


Admission Test Coordinator

Prof. Michele Battistoni
Tel. 075-5853749
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.