
Person Email Telephone Role Office
Baldinelli Giorgio
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+39 075 585 3868
Professore associato
Banelli Paolo
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+39 075 585 3626
Professore ordinario
Barelli Linda
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Professore associato
Baruffa Giuseppe
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Battistoni Michele
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Professore associato
Belloni Elisa
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Bianconi Francesco
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Professore associato
Binucci Carla
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Bonafoni Stefania
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+39 075 585 3663
Professore associato
Braccesi Claudio
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+39 075 585 3723
Professore ordinario
Buonumori Elisabetta
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+39 075 585 3604
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Buratti Cinzia
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+39 075 585 3693
+39 075 585 3993
Professore ordinario
Burrascano Pietro
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Professore ordinario