The Engineering Management Bachelor’s degree in the Engineering Department offers students the opportunity to carry out internships in companies or organizations (corporate internship) or in a laboratory of the Engineering Department (internal internship) as an integral part of their training. An internship allows the student to gain experience in a real work environment or applied research, enabling them to experiment with the practical application of the theoretical notions learned in the teachings of their Degree Course. The internship often represents a valuable gateway to the world of business or research.

During their activity, the student is supervised by a company tutor (chosen from among the staff of the company, institution, or laboratory in which the internship is carried out) and by a university tutor (chosen from among the teaching staff of the Degree Course or the Engineering Department).

The student's internship activity is subject to final evaluation by the university tutor. In case of a positive evaluation, the student acquires the number of university credits (CFU) foreseen for the internship by their study plan, in accordance with the Study Course Regulations.


Before the internship

The internship can be corporate or internal.

  1. The corporate internship can be carried out:
  2. The internal internship can be carried out:
    • At one of the officially recognized laboratories of the Engineering Department as reported in this list.


Number of ECTS that can be achieved

There is a minimum of 3 ECTS to be achieved via an internship and a maximum of 15 ECTS that can be obtained by using the 12 additional ECTS in the free choice (1 ECTS corresponds to 25 hours of activities carried out at the host structure).


Available internship offerings

Students are invited to review the internship proposals listed here.


Agreement with the host structure

In the case of a corporate internship, or when the host structure is external to the Engineering Department, it will be necessary to preliminarily verify the existence of an agreement between the Engineering Department and the structure by consulting this list. It will also be necessary to verify that the agreement's duration covers the entire internship period.

If the agreement is not present, it will be necessary to activate a new one. In this case, it will be the student's responsibility to present the agreement proposal directly to the Internship responsible (Prof. Fabrizio Montecchiani, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for a preliminary evaluation. In case of a positive preliminary evaluation, the interested student will then submit the following documents:

The original copy of the above documents must be delivered to the Teaching Secretariat of the Engineering Department (Ms. Stella Migliosi). It will be the intern's responsibility to present the documents complete with the information requested and signed by the host structure.


T3 module and training project

The above documents must be:

  • completed in electronic format (therefore without handwritten parts - except for signatures);
  • scanned and sent in PDF format to the Internship Commission (see below);
  • delivered - the original copy - to the Teaching Secretariat of the Engineering Department (Ms. Stella Migliosi).

It will be the student's responsibility to deliver both forms complete with all required signatures (with the exception of that of the Department Director, which will be added later). Please note that forms filled out by hand, which have erasures, or which are missing the required signatures, will not be accepted.

To guarantee the technical times for carrying out the required procedures, it is recommended to send the above at least one month before the date scheduled for the start of the internship.

Furthermore, regarding the indication of the period of the internship, it is recommended to consider a sufficient safety margin, and therefore it is recommended to indicate a than that strictly necessary to cover the number of hours requested. This is to allow the recovery of any days/hours of absence due for example to illness or other causes.

Finally, before starting the internship - in the case of a corporate internship - the student must verify that they have received a copy of the INAIL communication for the activation of the workplace accident insurance policy, failing which the internship will not be able to begin. If you do not receive this communication and the scheduled start date is within 10 days, you are advised to contact the Teaching Secretariat.


During the internship

The intern will record his/her attendance at the host facility on a daily basis (date, time of entry, time of exit, number of hours worked) in this register.


Once the internship is finished

At the end of the internship the student will deliver the following documents:

  • the attendance register (see section 'During the internship');
  • a summary - but sufficiently exhaustive - report that illustrates the activity carried out (the format is free);
  • the trainee evaluation questionnaire;
  • the evaluation questionnaire of the host structure:
    • filled in by the company tutor in the case of company internship (company form)
    • filled in by the university tutor in the case of academic internship (university form);

The above documents must be sent to the Internship Commission in a scanned PDF version complete with the relevant signatures where applicable.


Internship Responsible

Prof. Fabrizio Montecchiani (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)