
Person Email Telephone Role Office
Placidi Pisana
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Professore associato
Postrioti Lucio
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+39 075 585 3733
Professore associato
Radicioni Fabio
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+39 075 585 3765
Professore ordinario
Reali Gianluca
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Professore associato
Roselli Luca
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Professore ordinario
Rossi Federico
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+39 075 585 3846
+39 075 585 2986
Professore ordinarioSede di Terni
Rossi Gianluca
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+39 075 585 3744
Professore ordinario
Rugini Luca
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Saccomandi Giuseppe
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Professore ordinario
Saetta Stefano Antonio
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Professore associato
Santoni Francesco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Scorretti Riccardo
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Senin Nicola
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Professore associato
Speranzini Emanuela
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+39 075 585 3909
Professore associato
Stoppini Aurelio
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Professore associato
Tiacci Lorenzo
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Professore associato
Tomassoni Cristiano
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Professore associato
Valigi Maria Cristina
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+39 075 585 3724
Professore associato
Valigi Paolo
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+39 075 585 3684
Professore ordinario
Verducci Paolo
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+39 075 585 3833
Professore associato